Fluency Fear Ladder
✨ Evidence-based fear ladder for desensitization of stuttering
✨ Students will identify speaking situations and communication partners
✨ The child can rank speaking situations & partners in order from most comfortable (bottom of the ladder) to least comfortable (top of the ladder)
✨ Use the ladder to create individualized goals for a student who stutters in order to overcome fears and work their way up the ladder for successful communication
✨ Evidence-based fear ladder for desensitization of stuttering
✨ Students will identify speaking situations and communication partners
✨ The child can rank speaking situations & partners in order from most comfortable (bottom of the ladder) to least comfortable (top of the ladder)
✨ Use the ladder to create individualized goals for a student who stutters in order to overcome fears and work their way up the ladder for successful communication
✨ Evidence-based fear ladder for desensitization of stuttering
✨ Students will identify speaking situations and communication partners
✨ The child can rank speaking situations & partners in order from most comfortable (bottom of the ladder) to least comfortable (top of the ladder)
✨ Use the ladder to create individualized goals for a student who stutters in order to overcome fears and work their way up the ladder for successful communication